Programs and Services

The House of Mercy and Encouragement offers the following services “under one roof”:

ASSESSMENTS:  The Conners Rating Scales is used with other information to determine the characteristics of ADHD;  the Children’s Depression Inventory 2 may be used to determine depressive symptoms in children and adolescents; and the Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale is used to determine the level and nature of anxiety in children and adolescents.

INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING FOR CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS AND ADULTS:  Engaging therapeutic techniques such as creative arts, play therapy and sandtray therapy are used as well as traditional talk therapy, relationship therapy, cognitive therapy and psychodynamic therapy are some of the techniques used depending on the age, individual issues, and comfort level of the client.

CHRISTIAN COUNSELING: At the request of individuals or couples, Christian counseling may be used.  Prayer, faith-based counseling, and principles of psychology are combined to improve your mental health and relationships.  Religion is not proselytized but rather incorporating Christian values is part of the process.

TUTORING AND EDUCATIONAL COACHING:  Certified teachers help children K-5 with reading, math, and writing skills.  Tutors can also help with completion of homework and organizational skills.  Middle and high school students may need help with educational coaching to help them stay focused and to prioritize the work that needs to be completed.

SOCIAL SKILLS USING CREATIVE ARTS:  Some children and teens need a place to socialize and feel comfortable with peer relationships.  Depending on the age level art, music, games and stories are used in a welcoming and nurturing environment to help individuals feel relaxed while making friends.

COFFEE WITH THE COUNSELOR:  Therapists will make presentations at your request to your church, school, or organization.  Past topics have included depression and anxiety, building better relationships, children and mental health, ADHD, social and emotional learning, bullying prevention, play therapy and many other relevant topics.

REFERRAL/NETWORKING:  Referring to another professional is used when a family or individual has specific needs which must be met through another source. The assessment process at the house of mercy and encouragement will determine what kind of help is needed.

For more information about any of our programs and services call the HOME office at 727 786-7951